All programs require adequate technical skills (and the ability to open Microsoft Word documents) to facilitate taking and completing online courses. See each program's catalog for additional general requirements.
Certificate Programs
The Origins Matter is a 3-month program with 2 short courses. Admission not required.
The Creationist Worldview is a 12-month program with 5 modules. Admission not required.
Undergraduate Programs
The Associate of Christian Education (A.C.Ed.) is a 2 year program with about 22 courses. Must apply for admission. Requirements include high school diploma.
The Bachelor of Christian Education (B.C.Ed.) Degree can be taken either as:
1. A completion program. Requirements include an earned associate’s degree or transfer of six years of college-level credits. Twelve core courses minimum required; or
2. A four year program (zero entry). 128 credits required.
Graduate Program
The Master of Christian Education (M.C.Ed.) is comprised of 18 courses and a capstone or thesis. It can be completed in about 2 years. Must apply for admission. Requirements include an earned bachelor's degree.
Top Five Reasons to Apply
- You want to be a leader who will teach God’s truth to others.
- You seek specialized training in the blended fields of biblical education and apologetics.
- You are committed to a biblical view of Scripture, science, and history.
- You have both the God-honoring zeal and persistent self-discipline required to excel in a program that is both rigorous and rewarding.
- You want to grow in the use and application of God’s Word.